All Personal Gifts releases reusable metal straws

All Personal Gifts releases reusable metal straws: Image 1 With plastic continuing to have a detrimental effect on our environment, many ending up in UK rivers or in the sea, the push towards alternatives increases. Reusable alternatives that won't end up in landfill are increasing in popularity as many big businesses strive to go plastic free, and the push to ban plastic straws increases.

In light of this, gift retailer All Personal Gifts have released two new lines of metal straws. These high quality reusable straws are designed to help reduce the need for one-use plastic straws. Made with Food Grade Stainless Steel, the straws are durable, lightweight, dishwasher safe, and easy to use. These metal straws, available both straight and bent, give a polished look to cocktails. Do your part for the environment by switching out your plastic straws for this stylish alternative.

For more information visit their website at

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