Scotland’s Trade Fair Autumn has re-positioned itself as the first show of the autumn buying season. Taking place at the SEC, Glasgow from 20-21 Aug 2023, the Show gives buyers better timing for Christmas buying, allows them to top up for autumn and gives them an early snapshot at 2024 ranges.
Ones to look out for are Enesco, Swole Panda, Shu Da Living, Kate Trouw, Academie and Cairn Candle Company. Scotland's Trade Fair fully supports new young companies with its specially created Launch Gallery.
This area is already almost fully booked with companies such as MUKA Jewellery (pictured left), The Ink Balm (winner of Best Product Award at the Spring Show), Victoria Gordon Art (another Best Product Award winner), Designed by Islay, Rosana Exposito, Oir Soap and Wiktor Jewellery.
Mark Saunders, Springboard Director says: "This date change came after serious consultation with exhibitors and retailers and now fits in better with the buying season. Offering retailers an earlier chance to get their hands on new products and Christmas stock is both beneficial to them and their customers. In addition, it aligns the two Scottish shows better with a six month gap between them. This move has brought us many new exciting exhibitors and we hope new buyers will also attend.
"Tourism has enjoyed a strong start in the first four months of 2023. Scotland's attractions are experiencing good footfall which is flowing into the gift shops. This bodes well for the shops, for the suppliers and for Scotland's Trade Fairs."
Almost 90% of the Show is already booked up with a good selection of gifts, homewares, jewellery and fashion accessories, making it a one-stop show for all types of retailers across Scotland and the north of England.
Nancy Smillie from the Nancy Smillie shops in Glasgow said: "Scotland's Trade Fair Autumn is important for us as we like to have local designers and that is the one place we always pick them up. We do go to other Shows but Scotland's Trade Fairs are the most important."
Already tourists from around the globe are back visiting Scotland. Coupled with the good value for money that the lower pound brings it looks like being a good summer season.