Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - January / February 2021

99 UP & COMING Safe and sound Laura Mudie, founder of child’s toy brand Rosa & Bo, explains why health and safety is a main priority, and how there’s big things to come from the brand When did you start up and why? When I became a mum, my daughter would be fascinated by the traditional Russian Dolls that sat proudly on my Nan’s sideboard, usually surrounded by other forbidden treasures. I let her play but always under a watchful eye. The classic dolls concealed a dangerous threat and I realised quickly that the smallest dolls posed a real choking hazard to my child and had to remove them (much to her disappointment). What prompted you to launch the business? Following her fascination, I started looking for a child safe version of a Nesting Doll and there were none on the market suitable for children under three. I worked with a fantastic designer to create some and Rosa & Bo was born. What challenges have you overcome since the company’s launch? We have overcome so many challenges I 