Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - Page number 112 - July/August 2021

OVER 2MILLION PAIRS SOLD! The ORIGINAL and the BEST snoozies!® are fullymachine washable, lined with exclusive cosy Sherpa, have a new non-skid sole, and are made from high quality fabrics! Over 50 cosy designs available, including 16 BRAND NEW designs! HALL B-B66 SPECIAL OFFER! All snoozies!® pre-orders made before 31 st July will enjoy 90 days credit after delivery! Tel: 0161 975 6300 Email: *LIW )RFXV +DOI 3DJH VQRR]LHV LQGG NJs _Þض µĶ ǣǣsǣ ǢȖضĶ ǣǣsǣ ŷɚsNj¶Ķ ǣǣsǣ µÞ¯Ǽ ĵÞŘsǣ ǣ Ķsǣ˔ŸƼǼÞO Þ_ʳŘsǼ NJNJƻ ̳ˠˣ ɠɠɠʳŸƼǼÞO Þ_ʳŘsǼ ǻsĶ ˟ˠˠˢ ˡˢ˨ ˠˣ˟˟ NŸŎs Ř_ ǣss Ȗǣ Ǽ Ë NjNjŸ¶ Ǽs ËŸŎs ˓ µÞ¯Ǽ E Q P V G O R Q T C T [ G [ G Y G C T Π ZĞŵĂůĚŝ ďLJ KƉƚŝĐĂŝĚ
