Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - November/December 2020

142 Wellness in the workplace has never been more essential; Louise Prance looks at how caring for your employees’ wellbeing can help foster a happy and thriving business When I was setting my yearly goals in early January this year, unsurprisingly, surviving a global pandemic wasn’t top of the list. However, if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that life happens when you’re busy making other plans. Looking back at my goals now, so many stressful months later, I’ve realised that I’ve, as yet, to complete a single one. Yet rather than feel like a failure, I feel a quiet contentment from knowing that while I haven’t made great strides in relation to the areas in which I wanted to succeed, what I have done is emerge from one of the most difficult periods of my life with my mental health intact. And that is because, when the going got really tough, and I became a home schooler alongside my full-time job, I realised the importance of self-care. Not only that, my employer also acknowledged that the mental health wellbeing of its staff was paramount in what was an unprecedented situation for everyone within the company. Wellbeing in the workplace has often been dismissed well before the pandemic hit, however, it is now more imperative than ever to place a focus on employees’ welfare at work. With everyone tentatively emerging from lockdowns, it’s understandable that businesses are keen to get back to turning a profit, while staff are equally looking to get back to work and earn money. However, supporting the emotional needs of employees at work has never been more essential. Speaking to our sister title, BACP accredited counsellor Helen Cotter said, “When staff feel happy, valued and fulfilled, they’ll relish being part of a strong team and will actively want to help make a success of your business and their career.” And showing that support and security now will undoubtedly reap the rewards going forward. So, how do you approach it? Firstly, keep it simple. While everyone is starting to find their feet again, simply making time for meetings, one-to-ones and check-ins is a start. Long-term there is a lot to be said for mindfulness groups, office yoga sessions, and even just regular team lunch dates to air any issues or feelings. Professionally, there are numerous organisations with help at hand. Mind ( ) provides information and support on mental health and offers a workplace wellbeing index, while the NHS Employers website ( has interesting features about developing and implementing a health and wellbeing strategy, as well as information on how to monitor its effectiveness. Whatever you do, by listening, supporting and checking in with your employees, especially during these particularly arduous times, you will be rewarded with staff that feel valued, respected and happier, in turn creating a better business environment in which to work and thrive. BLOG MIND MATTERS