Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - May/June 2020

27 COMPANY PROFILE packing myself. It feels quite rewarding: I can do it all myself. I came back from the warehouse to find the office cat sat in my chair: it was the only warm one. By the second day I had lots of efficient new systems in place. By the time the employees eventually return I expect the company will be doing all sorts of things quite differently as I will know everyone’s jobs inside-out. I will also never forget the kindness some of my employees showed me as everything seemed to be falling apart: it has been a great lesson in finding out who one’s friends are. Another mood-booster is all the supportive messages coming in from suppliers and customers around the world. Some are in countries that think they are already over the ‘hump’ of the virus and are starting to make plans for the future. New enquiries are coming in from retailers sat at home evaluating their businesses and thinking about what new things they can sell once the crisis abates. It does give one hope that business life will resume. It may take a little while, but when it does, I think there could be quite a boom in some areas. People sick of sitting at home in their pyjamas will want to dress up and go out to celebrate, with new clothes and accessories – and new walking sticks to match. Classic Canes,