Gift Focus - Jan/Feb 2019 (Issue 111)

Post-Brexit, the IPO has assured designers that they will create a further UK unregistered design right equivalent to the above EU right, but this will only be applicable in the UK, and designers will lose protection in the 27 remaining states unless action is taken. BREXIT-PROOF YOUR TRADEMARKS AND DESIGNS There is still time to register your trademarks and designs in the EU and benefit from protection in the 27 remaining states. A trademark is a unitary right and will last forever as long as you use it and pay for renewals. A registered Community design is a monopoly right and lasts for 25 years as long as it is renewed every five years. Basically, you have a numbered certificate that says you own your design, and it precludes others using it without permission and you don’t have to prove copying. If someone does infringe your design in, say, France, Germany, Italy or indeed any of the EU member states and you have a registered Community design, you can take enforcement action against them. Visit Sending a message of deterrence and prevention post-Brexit will be more important than ever for UK designers. Being a member of Anti Copying In Design (ACID) does what it says on the tin and sends a powerful message that UK designers know about their IP rights and will assert their rights if copied. If you don’t want to be copied, say so. There is no better place to do that than on your website, email signatures and all marketing material. For further information visit, or find Dids @ACID_tweets WWW.ANCIENTWISDOM.BIZ CARE@ANCIENTWISDOM.BIZ T: +44 (0)114 2729165 Petite Soap Flower Bouquets ancient wisdom “When the UK leaves the EU, it will no longer be possible for UK designers whose designs are first exhibited in the UK to claim the EU design right protection in the other 27 member states of the EU”